Friday 3 June 2016


People are different and everyone has his own formula of success. It's something very personal and something within each of us. What success is for one person might be completely different for someone else, much like happiness.
To understand what success means to you, you have to first know your authentic self, you have to re-connect with your values and what is important. When you do that, you can begin to define your own success. When you know yourself and who you are and how you can serve others, then you can better define what success looks like for you.
Everyday before going to bed, when you can brave seeing your face in the mirror with a satisfaction of living that day to the fullest without any regrets, that is success.
For me, succes isn't money or about having stuff. Succes is living your best life. It is simply living my dreams and surpassing my "imaginary" limitations. Success is a journey and not a destination.

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