Wednesday 16 November 2016


Trust doesn't come easy. Everyone has that feeling about whom to trust or how much to trust. Every day we make choices about whom and how much to trust. Trust is such a valuable item. It takes a lot of time to build trust but it can be also lost in a moment.
Most of us don’t have to think very long or hard to remember the last time our trust was shattered. Once trust is lost, it’s very hard to get it back. Actions speak louder than words. Nothing seems more difficult to recover from then when someone whom you have trusted suddenly, and without warning, does something you didn´t expect. The shock of the betrayal of trust from someone whom you expect to be trustworthy, whatever the case may be, when trust is broken, something deep inside of us is changed. It’s not just that we lose trust, we also lose a part of our security and respect for the other person. We want to be able to trust, but trust must be earned. It takes time to build it, and a lot longer to regain it once it’s lost. I have learned the hard way that trust is not something you simply give away. It must be earned.

Friday 11 November 2016

in my secret life

So, Leonard Cohen died.
Many of you know him, well, know his song "Hallelujah", a majestic ballad which was recorded by many other artists.
I was just a teeneger and it was my dad who showed me his music (thanks a lot, dad!). "Dance me to the end of love"- very first Cohen´s song I´ve heard. And I feel in love.
It was the first time I heard this incomparable voice that epitomized gravitas, passionate aliveness, and sensual power. After listening to many of his songs scores of times over the years, I still find new layers. His words speak across the changes and evolving stages of our lives. He understood things on so many levels and was able to communicate them in ways that informed lives. Thank you for making me appreciate how putting words together can say so much unspoken and spoken. Thank you for helping shape my (young) mind. Thank you for your words, your songs, your life. Thank you for looking so deeply, for sharing your time giving us your finely wrought diamonds, for lighting the dark corners where the soul lives.
A voice like no other.

Tuesday 1 November 2016

rainy days

Today I woke up and the sky was grey. I opened the window and the air was cold and foggy.
And, to be honest, I fully expected to feel grumpy. I thought I’d want to retreat back beneath my covers before unwillingly forcing myself to put my feet on the floor and begin my day.
But the strange thing is, none of these things actually happened. In fact, I sprang right out of bed. I looked right out the window and breathed in the cold air.
To be honest, I like it when I don't have to go anywhere, can stay home. Curl up with a book. Otherwise, I hate it. Hate driving in it, hate walking with an umbrella. And I love it when it rains at night, it's soothing.
Today is rainy, but I'm not complaining . Why? Because I don't have to go out. Rainy days the best for reading books, listening to music, sipping coffee, taking naps, watching movies, crocheting, and whatever you love to do on rainy days. 
Anyway, they are the BEST sleeping days. I like to spend mine cuddled up on the sofa with tons of blankets reading books or watching movies.