Sunday 29 May 2016

it's okay

What a day! Two post [on the exact same day!] on that blog which is slowly dying. I'm so sorry for that. I know that I should be posting here [once a week, yup], but I don't have time or I just don't know what to write about or the weather is so nice that I prefer to be outside rather than inside.
So, the second post. What a madness.
I just want to say that it's definitely okay to feel down from time to time. Or to have a thought or feeling that not everything is 100% positive. In fact, it's something normal.
Life is fantastic, but it’s also messy and sometimes just hard. Sometimes I think that we’ve become so caught up in that cult of personality, you know what I mean - always looking good, perfect hair, charisma, being judged well by others, having it all and being successful. And our society seems to dictate that we shouldn’t feel and just “be positive”. Always. But that’s simply not realistic. Not at all. Guys, everyone has ups and downs, unless they have the perfect life. But...what does anyone learn when life has no challenges, and no emotions?
It seems to me that being sad sometimes is out of bounds, something you’re not allowed to feel or do. Because it's a weakness and weakness is not cool and a lot of people find it bloody weird, which in itself, is odd. It’s okay to be sad, it’s okay to be happy, it’s okay (well, recommended) to be a person, and if people can’t deal with it, it’s their problem.
Do not feel guilty of being sad. Realise that everyone, no matter how they try to hide and minimise it, still experiences it. 
I’m telling you that it’s okay to feel sad sometimes. So have a cry if you need to on those days when you feel sad. Then wipe your eyes, and keep going. 

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